How can a health coach help me?

How can a health coach help me?

What is a health coach and why do I need one?

A health coach can help you elevate your health journey, every step of the way. It’s having a personal coach to support, guide and help manage the goals you have for health and wellness.

Here’s some of the ways a health coach works with clients:

A recent diagnosis

Being diagnosed with an illness can be scary and confusing. A health coach can help navigate and support clients as they begin the journey towards wellness. How do we help? With regular meetings and check-ins, a health coach can offer guidance via a wellness plan the client helping them to meet their goals and their doctor’s. Health coaches also help clients follow their doctor’s plan of action, keeping you accountable and motivated. A health coach is a special person on your team, who is trained to get you where you are going with helpful suggestions, support while exploring various healing modules together. It’s all about you. When you are healing you deserve support in all forms!

Lifestyle changes

Let’s just toss the word diet out the window, can we please? Working together we can make lasting changes to shape attitude and outlook. Your health coach helps you develop a lifestyle plan, provides motivation to help keep you moving forward. Not a drill sergeant, a cheerleader!

Meal planning

Finding it hard to get something on the table that is both nutritious and easy? Family meals can become a battle zone, I know as I raised two boys who thankfully now understand the importance of eating well. Let’s make it fun, easy and affordable to make meal time enjoyable and good for us.


Tired of going it alone? A health and wellness coach is there to make sure you are never alone on this journey. The key to success is having someone on your team, let’s discuss how we can work together!